Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas 2012

We have had a lovely family holiday season here. The boys are now at an age where they are uber excited about Christmas and taking them to holiday events is very satisfying.

We didn't make it to the St. John's Santa Claus parade this year. Luckily the Town of Torbay puts one on and our boys were present and accounted for. My favourite part? The free hot chocolate (from Tim Hortons and given out by volunteers). That and the excitement created by the idea of a parade for my small boys!

Naughty Mommy forgot Finn's mittens so she shall have no pie...
Waiting impatiently for the parade to start.
Love the fire trucks but the boys thought they were TOO LOUD!
And Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Christmas cookies.

Serious business.

Very serious business. They were working so hard.

Supervising from the floor. I'm not patient enough to let him into
the cookie dough yet.
Naturally there was other baking to do. Homemade jam jams (a perennial Newfoundland and Labrador favourite). I made them too big so they were more like jam jam sandwiches than cookies.

None of us minded that the cookies were too big.
I managed to get some baking done for Iain's school Christmas party. This is a Pampered Chef recipe/idea and I love it. After finishing four full Christmas trees I realized I was going to run out of icing before I had enough cupcakes decorated and I was out of the ingredients to make more icing. So I got creative. DH said he liked the designs I came up with better.

This year, the boys went out into our backyard and cut down a Christmas tree from the little clearing where the playhouse will be built. They all loved going on that adventure but I do believe DH enjoyed it the most. Historically we have bought trees or used an artificial tree. There is no going back to either of those options now.

You will have to believe me - our tree is gorgeous but
I have yet to take a good picture of it!
DH brought the big boys into work on Christmas Eve. They had a great time and the fact that Daddy works in a hanger that is currently servicing water bombers is a big bonus. I always think of my boys as getting so big but they look pretty small next to a water bomber's tires.

Christmas morning was a riot. Iain didn't get us up until 6:15 AM which I thought was pretty civilized compared to the times my siblings and I used to try to wake up our parents. Iain was tearing around the house and Aidan slept through until almost 7:00!

Iain opening his stocking in his room.
Aidan oblivious to anything.
Mr. A and his stocking. He is holding a package of 'Snoman Soup' from
Groovy Bird. Love that lady!
Iain started bringing presents into his bedroom so that Finn could open
something. I love the way Finn quats down sometimes like this. I wish
I had the same thigh and knee control! 
For one of the boys Christmas presents, I asked Veronica over at OCD Crochet to make three monkey hats. Amazing job and they look gorgeous in them. I still have to catch Finn wearing his before he rips it off his head. Not so much into hats yet is Finlay.

Finn laying back and relaxing on Daddy's lap.
I was wondering how Finlay was going to do with the tree this year. For the first three days he didn't even touch it. Once more and more interesting ornaments went on it (the decorating took a few days to complete), he became more interested. However, I have only hung the ornaments that can handle a fall/quick beating so it hasn't been too stressful having him near the tree. I am hoping to actually hang ALL of my Christmas ornaments on the tree in 2014.

Love babies in pyjamas with feet in them!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a lovely lovely Christmas with your boys. I love when the children get to the age where it's so much fun for them and it's so much pleasure for us mothers to watch them enjoy themselves. Happy New Year, I hope 2013 treats you well. :)
